
Things doesn't quite seem to go my way these days. the driver's test was failed by three points (time to study!) and my head has been empty for ages. sometimes I find myself spacing out and not being able to really come back. weirdo. but the thing that takes up my mind right now is my car. the bus, THE bus that I was going to buy off of my father after the reparation. well, today I found out that I have to get a new enginge for it, and I have no idea whatsoever what it is going to cost. but I have my fingers crossed for a reasonable prize, because I would be so pissed off if the euro trip that me and Rasmus have been planning had to be done by trains and stuff. it would suck, basically.

so, looking at this from an economic point of view, I decided to not buy any clothes that aren't neccessary for a year (aka, I'm only gonna buy underwear, period.)

wish me luck.


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