up and down and up again!
minus twenty-two degrees celcius. that's my world right now, and it's getting colder. I was a lucky bastard who got a ride with my mom this morning but I'll be damned if it wasn cold AS FUCK to walk through the entire town to get to federal piercing studios or whatever the fuck that place is called.
and I'll be damned if it wasn't worth it.
Today Lina finally pierced medusa and I pierced septum. It R-O-C-K-S! dude, you should totally see it! Oh I forgot, you can't, because I haven't taken any pictures of it, and I sure as hell won't just to please your eyes. you'll have to look me up.
tshirts are on the go nowadays, and also book-binding, and cisv-stuff, and volleyball aaand I am missing a bit of work so I'd better shape up like right now or there will be no future of thing young chick. ye.
over and out