Tales of Thursdays and heavy work

the street was cold, my legs were frozen and the chord to my earphones had gone stale from the chilling wind. It was half past ten in the night, and I was standing outside of Platå, waiting for Frida who had convinced me to go out on a thursday night. I felt, for the first time in my life, like one of those girls who goes out drinking without knowing what they're doing, without telling their parents, but knowing that the night will be special and mysterious. yea right, okay so skipping that crap, Frida came out to meet me and we both went in to the club. She introduced me to Linnea whom I already knew and Madde who would turn out to be a real amazing girl and danser.

drinks were bought and alcohol was drained, as were all the thoughts about the book I have to make a report on. seriously, fuck that book, it's awesome but.. no.

the music was loud, the drinks were good, and the dancefloor was packed with people and full of life. we were in there, right in the middle, drifitng here and there, and in that thriving pulsing crowd there are suddenly hands on my hips and lips on my lips, and whythefuckshouldIcare and he's touching me and he's not looking too bad either. I save him, leave him on the dansefloor becuase nooneshouldbewithme and the four of us girls hit the road with burning cheeks and wobbling legs and hearts full of laughter and those frizzy bubbles you have in soda.

on our way home we get distracted by three young men whom we talk with for a while and find out that they're actually not assholes shameonmeformyprejudices and we hang out with them in their apartment for half an hour. we watch youtube, talk about cool stuff and listen to music. Linnea eats some noodles and we have some salty pretzels, and half past four we head towards Frida's  house. taxi and streetlights and Resorb and a movie makes the eyelids drop, and before I know it I'm asleep. I didn't even watch the start of the movie.

we wake up after barely two hour's sleep, eat a little breakfast (Fruit rocks!) and I get to take a clementine with me to school. I stop by at McDonald's and get myself a coffee and toast, and then I ride the bus in the early morning light. it feels amazing to be alive and wake at those kind of hours.

I was slightly hungover, but we had art, and I could actually take some time waking up for real. I ate my clementine after lunch, and it was all I ever wanted; christmas and daycare and sour sweetness.

after school I was going to read the book that I neglected on Thursday, but my eyes dropped and I slept on the red sofa in the back of the school until father came and got me home. and when I came home I read Brokeback Mountain instead and wept.


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