the first october

The rain was sizzling down through the clouds, chilling my fingers and my nose, making my hair and jacket uncomfortably damp. Luckily for me, my mom was also headed to town at nine a.m, so I got a ride with her in the car. No, I didn't drive, I actually prefer sitting in the passenger's seat and dozing off to music in the morning. ...shocker.... 

I arrived at Filbyter square just in time to see my teachers bring in heaps of the junk we were going to biuld a statue out of. yes, you heard me correctly, art lesson was scheduled to the square, and the subject was: build a statue for City Art Link.

okay, so first of all, it was cold. but that didn't stop us from having fun and making the teacher parcticants do some hard wotk as well. ah, good times! after we had put all our stuff up (which was pretty hard some of it) we had mudcake (score!!) and ate lunch in town. aah goodie goodie.

at half past one we were back in school, and it was time for English C, and I got my essay back.I have one word for you guys. ouch. G plus is not ookay, even though I was sick during the preparatory discussion and had no clue as to us not being allowed to use our notes.
then again, that just increases my will to study harder, mouahahahaaa! so you better cheer me on..

after school I spent some time with Rasmus, which was very appreciated since I haven't really talked to him in a while. we made pasta with some cheese and tomato stuff which was, incredibly enough, deliscious! I cleaned his kitchen area (you will thank me when you don't get sick from using it!) and we watched family guy. sweet life.

Friday came to an end, and I took the bus and train home, longing for a car of my own as I stared at the stars and tried to make smoke-rings with my breath.


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