wait a second, you said what?

Don't count on frequent updates anymore (not that you'd really miss them) and don't count on my wisdom to shower over the world in spurs of inspiration. autumn is here, aand it brings with it the feeling of melancholy and apathy. you know it, the one where you're talking with your best friend, and all of a sudden you can't speak, and there is this empty viod in your mind and body, and you space out. it's the one where you play the same three chords over and over, trying to remember what words are and how to cleverly put them together.

I want tomorrow to come, because tomorrow equals volleyball. oh sweet blessing.

Postat av: sara

ey! gillar headern så häääääääääääär mkt (sträcker ut händer och fötter så långt det går just nu). finfin! puss på dig

2010-09-06 @ 21:22:46
URL: http://knell.blogg.se/

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