korta inlägg och nya däck till Oskar
skickat efter nya träningsskor och shorts! whoppa! det brände lite i plånboken, men hör och häpna (eller läs och häpna) ty någonting fantastiskt hände idag! Jag fick mejl om att de hade skickat sakerna, men att skorna var slutsålda.(oh noes!)
Men eftersom jag redan betalat för dem så ersatte de dem med ett annat par som är 1) dyrare och 2)bättre för mina fötter. WOAAAA!
enda anledningen till att jag inte köpte det första paret var för att det fanns en billigare version, sade Joakim von Anka.
bitches get lycky sometimes.
and so do I.
och Oskar! åh, jag körde stora stygga volvon som var som att köra ett smörpaket medan pappa köpte nya däck åt min älskling. ja, Oskar är trögare än de andra bilarna här hemma. Ja, hans tank är liten. men åh, så fint att vara tillbaka i det gråa lilla sätet efter träningen! det gör inget att han morrar ibland, det får gärna vara lite Love-hate.
nu längtar jag efter lussebullar och varm choklad med fanny framför Toy Story 3. vibordeköpaden, FannyRaptor!
over and out
Oskar, jag ska köpa nya däck till dig
Oskar (min älskade lilla bil) och jag har varit ute på farliga äventyr! I tisdags, som för övrigt var en väldigt händelserik dag, hade vi precis haft sista lektionen för dagen, och trots det skulle jag stanna kvar i bildsalen, gå på möte med Åsa som jag ska tenta av ARL för, och därefter susa iväg till träningen. Tatjana och jag kände däremot att innan detta tog vid så behövdes choklad. och både hon och Sanna skulle in till stan, så efter en liten stund satt vi i bilen med värmen på högsta nivå och pratade om bilkörning och hur man kommer till Hemköp utan att köra fel och dö.
när vi har kommit över bron och bara har en liten bit kvar innan korsningen kör Saga, den Magnifike, litelite nära trottoaren och tro det eller ej, men under snö kan vad som helst gömma sig. Så som sepe-indents i trottoaren som presenterar ett fint litet hörn alldeles lagom farligt för små bilar som heter Oskar. PANGBOMVADVARDETDÄR?! och hela bilen lutar lite snett fram, och låter inte det där väldigt konstigt? skratt och panik och va? i en enda röra och Sanna öppnar bildörren vid rödljuset och OSKAR HAR PUNKTERING! NEEEJJEEE! handfallna står vi där, skrattandes, förbryllade. vad gör man när man får punktering i stan?
vi kom fram till följande:
kör som vanligt genom korsningen
kör i en bussfil
svänger in vid netto - från en bussfil, framför en buss
stannar mitt framför en dörr och börjar leta efter reservdäck
ringer hedervärda starka pappor som hjälper till att byta däck
hittar domkraft och blir jätteglad
kör därifrån under skrattattacker
köper choklad på hemköp och skiter i att betala parkeringen där innan man åker tillbaka till skolan.
på eftermiddagen sniglade jag mig genom staden upp till folkunga och hade träning (åhh träääniiing!) och när jag kom hem var jag arg och ledsen på hela världen, för världen är dum i huvudet. så jag klippte den förbannade luggen som jag har gått och velat fram och tillbaka på om jag ska klippa eller inte. det blev dödssnyggt, så hela världen kan ta sig!
nästa projekt i mitt liv blir att åka någonstans där det finns så lite människor som möjligt och bara känna hur skönt det är att inte ha dumhuvuden i närheten.
OBS! ovanstående paragraf har ingenting med punkteringen på älsklings-Oskar att göra! OBS!
annat som kommer tillbaka!
Måndagar. konstiga dagar. skolaskolaskola och Fanny och jag spelar ett spel där man ska skjuta fåglar på grisar och deras fort. mums. Måndagar är en allmänt mysig dag, dock inte när ens telefon dör lite så att man inte kan ringa folk som man lovat. förlåt förlåt.
någonting som dock gjorde min dag, alltså GJORDE MIN DAAAAAG var att en liten tös har kommit tillbaka ut på planen för att passa!
Där står man i ett omklädningsrum och funderar lite över livet, och in genom dörren kliver ett jättestort leende. leendet har en liten mössa och glitter i ögonen och man tjuter SARAAAAAA och kastar sig runt halsen på den för livet är så jävla fint i just det ögonblicket, och det blir bara finare när hon kliver in i salen och allt är på riktigt och vi bollar och det är fortfarande på riktigt och jag är bara så glad att ha tillbaka en av mina favorittjejer i mitt favoritlag!
ursäkta medan jag evaporerar av för högt lyckotryck
Back to Swedish!
När vi kom hem körde jag hem Rebecca och sen var det raka vägen till jobbet där chilli con carne regerade. fy faan vad gott! åh ni fattar inte, jag hade inte ätit på hela dagen förutom frukosten eftersom matchen spelades runt lunch, och att äntligen få lite mat i magen var KUNG! kvällen spenderades därefter med att pyssla, måla Pippi Långstrump med knotig näsa och titta på Så Mycket Bättre och käka ostbågar. omnomnomnomnom.
när klockan hade dragit sig mot nio var det dags att lyfta och dra vidare. det var dags att ta biljäveln (åh jag älskar min biljävel som för övrigt heter Oskar) och åka hem till Lina, ty vi skulle ut och dansa. När jag kom dit (efter många om och men) fick jag lövbiff med pommes frites, biernessås, samt lök och svamp. D-O-G. så himmelskt gott, åh, det var så att smaklökarna dansade efter att ha gått på tomgång (aka makaroner och pannkakor) den senaste månaden. gööött!
Vi kom oss iväg vi tiotiden, träffade Fanny vid Yngves och gick till La Scala, där Jag träffade Olle, fanny träffade Nikolas, och lina träffade halva Linköping. fin kväll. vi strosade vidare till Pitch Black där vi dansade, strulade, och var allmänt fulla och fina kalaspinglor.
Lina och jag avslutade kvällen med att gå till Skäggetorp i snön (utan halsduk!! DÖDEN!) och trilla bums i säng klockan sex på morgonen.
nu till lite bakgrundsinformation innan jag berättar om min söndag.
Det var nu sedan länge bestämt att Frida Ryman och Undertecknad skulle sitta i sekretariatet på en match dagen i fråga. Jag hade hört viskas om att det var klockan fyra vid Folkunga, och att herrar B skulle spela, men yr som jag är frågade jag (klockan halv fyra på morgonen) Tim var och när det skulle vara. han spelar trots allt i deras lag och bör ha stenkoll, tänkte jag.
klockan halv två hade Lina och jag sovit klart, och jag sneglade på mobilen för att se om något svar stod att finnas. det gjorde det. displayen lös som en stjärna med orden "1 pm at Ljunkan!"
panik. sten i magen. skrumpet innanmäte. ångest- nejnejnejnejnejnej.
tänkte att Tim antagligen spelade, ringde Andreas i panik. frågade om det var klockan fyra. ja sa Andreas, herrarna spelar fyra i sporthallen. ANDAS UT! lite prat, och va? är det elitlaget? men Herrar B då? eller har damerna match??!
innan vi går vidare vill jag informera om att jag var nyvaken, hade skuldkänslor som en rymdraket utan färdkost och var styressad upp över öronen.
det enda jag uppfattar av det Andreas säger är: klockan ett på Ljunkan.
il i bil och jag kommer fram till Ljunkan klockan två, med endast en clementin i magen. inne i hallen möter jag till min fårvåning (och förhoppning) Mici, som står och pratar med någon. jag frågar om det var frida och jag som skulle suttit i sekretariatet, och får höra att det var två sena tjejer där inne. möter Frida som har matchkläder på, och efter lite ångestgråt har jag fått utrett för mig att vi ska sitta i sekretariatet. men inte nu. klockan fyra i sporthallen, och det är inte herrar B som spelar, utan Elitlaget.
LOTTOVINST! åh, ibland händer det, ibland är man inte dum som spån, utan bara jävligt tursam. Frida jag och Tove åkte bil till sporthallen, nät sattes upp, poängtavla plockades ihop, Tove hjälpte till att köpa mat till oss (GUDAGÅVAN TOVE) från McDonalds, och livet var fint. herrarna förlorade, jag och Frida åkte hem, och snipp snapp snut så var sagan slut.
yes boxx
Song for Fanny
I'm a dinosaur
you may notice from the way I soar above your head
I don't know if you have noticed
but I no longer exist
no room for dinosaurs in a world of human bliss
there's a big black cloud in the sky
and I want to run and hide but what good will it do
when a fireball
makes a firecall
and everything disappears
and all around
there's the crashing sound
as everything disappears
boom boom boom
goes my world goes my world and all I love
no room for a dinosaur
boom boom boom goes my world goes my world and all I love
I guess I wasn't good enough
I'm a dinosar
you may notice from the way my neck is tall and oh
I bet that you have seen
a lot of stories about me
and looked at my bones in an art gallery
there's a big black cloud in the sky
and I want to run and hide but what good will it do
when a fireball
makes a firecall
and everything disappears
and all around
there's the crashing sound
as everything disappears
boom boom boom
goes my world goes my world and all I love
no room for a dinosaur
boom boom boom goes my world goes my world and all I love
I guess I wasn't good enough
I hope that I'll be part
of the stars
of something bigger than me
I'll wish
then when this phaze is over
I'll still know that I am me
boom boom boom
goes my world goes my world and all I love
no room for a dinosaur
boom boom boom goes my world goes my world and all I love
I guess I wasn't good enough
up and down and up again!
minus twenty-two degrees celcius. that's my world right now, and it's getting colder. I was a lucky bastard who got a ride with my mom this morning but I'll be damned if it wasn cold AS FUCK to walk through the entire town to get to federal piercing studios or whatever the fuck that place is called.
and I'll be damned if it wasn't worth it.
Today Lina finally pierced medusa and I pierced septum. It R-O-C-K-S! dude, you should totally see it! Oh I forgot, you can't, because I haven't taken any pictures of it, and I sure as hell won't just to please your eyes. you'll have to look me up.
tshirts are on the go nowadays, and also book-binding, and cisv-stuff, and volleyball aaand I am missing a bit of work so I'd better shape up like right now or there will be no future of thing young chick. ye.
over and out
highlights in the dark
Today, I was on a date. no, what? saga? ON A DATE!? why you should shoot me right now, because the world is coming to an end!
..no, dude, I'm serious, it actually happened. and it was fine too, i didn't lose a bet or anything. I was actually out and about, acting like normal people.
but back to the blog-things going on. something that made my day today was the comment from Tim Riplinger, because I honestly thought that people stopped checking this motherfucker out, but I guess they like me too much to risk missing out on these goodies!
another thing that made my day was THIS:

HONESTLY, I LOVE THE STATISTICS ON MY BLOG. they look like wierd animals sometimes! LOOK AT IT! I love it!
...nuff said, over and out.
crashing and burning and translation time
or maybe there is just too much happening right now?
But I don't want to write about homework.
I do, however, want to write about two things! one, change on language back to swedish. I miss my own language, and I'm surrounded constantly by english. I simply miss the swedish words.
two, I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but nowadays I am the National Junior Representant Suppleant in CISV! basically this means that if you want to bring something awesome up so that all junior's can hear it, SAY IT. I will pass it forward to everyone else, all right! Björn, Ulrika and me are going to make sure that YOU WILL BE HEARD.
be sure of that.
starting with something at least
I still checked the page.
IT ROCKED! I didn't have to pay anyhing, and even though I gave them both my number and my email I haven't gotten any spam or calls because guess what? That free campaign you have to sing on to (which is basically answering a bunch of questions about dumb products) I checked NO THANKS on everything. it effin' rocks. sooo now I am only four people away from getting this thing which R-O-C-K-S!
I'm just gonna put this link here.
you know what to do.
and I love you for it.
ups and downs in the life of a stranger
watched Team America with Rasmus and finally got to set my mind on something else than those damn homework. slept on the couch which was surprisingly comfortable for it's length and woke up to the sun tickling my face. good times.
not so good times that I missed the bus though, I had to take his bike to sporthallen where my team was waiting for me. in to the car and off we go!
away to the worst loss we've ever experienced. I will say no more.
time to get the show on the road bitchessss.
over and out.
the tenth of November
the sky finally made its decision to open up and let out all that it had kept inside. it has snowed continuously the entire day, and I spent an hour of it walking through town with Jennifer, talking about love and relationships. I miss being in love. then again, I am in love with volleyball and painting. so I shan't miss anything.
The weekend has been quite peculiar, starting with twelve of the members of JB Linköping going to SO (aka sweden's Junior Branch Meeting) where I surprisingly enough was elected for National Junior Representat suppleant. I was so happy to know that people actually wanted to trust me with something as important as that, seeing that they may as well have chosen to leave the seat vacant in search of someone better. But i have no doubt that i will do a great job, especially when I get to work with such wonderful people as I do.
my health has been an issue between my mother and I recently. when I had screamed my throat hoarse she believed that I was sick no matter what I told her. I had to sneak out to trainings dammit! and now after SO where I slept too little in too cold climate with much less clothes with me than I would have liked. so now my nose has been runing for a couple of days, but I don't feel as if I should skip training, or the game in Bromma on sunday. I just wish that my throat heals completely soon so that my mom can stop worriyng for nothing.
Time to start beating away at those homework I got. sheesh. catch you guys later.
girls girls girls
and there has been many misdirections
there has been many sand filled beds for us
and nights where we didn't want to leave
the best team in the world
the best team in the world
we might not be elite
we might not be the créme de la créme
we might not be elite
we might not be at the top just yet but wait
you're the best team in the world
to me
T is for Tove who stays off the net
F is for Fia who learned how to perfectly set
L's for Lovisa who gets there so fast
and R's for Rebecca who no one spikes past
E is for Elsa who always keeps calm
and F is for Frida who hits with her left palm
for the best team in the world
you're the best team in the world
we might not be elite
we might not be the créme de la créme
we might not be elite
we might not be at the top just yet but wait
you're the best team in the world
to me
L's for Louise who got those serves on a go
K is for Karro, our five star Libero
S is Sabina who hits like a knight
D is for Dina who fights like a dynamite
J is for Julia who never gives up
R is for Ryman who always believes in us
as the best team in the world
best team in the world
we might not be elite
we might not be the créme de la créme
we might not be elite
we might not be at the top just yet but wait
we're the best team in the world
to me
don't worry girls
if we don't get there so fast
the thing that matters is that our friendship lasts
I want to slip in
a P for the parents
who made it possible to drive to our opponents
A T for Tim who tries to coach us all the way
and in the end I hope all of us can say
that we're the best team in the world
no matter what
remeniscing again over things you thought were done
I am so confused, I don't really know where I am headed. I would like for time to stop just a second, so that I could finish pondering all these things, but I am tied to a train that ruthlessly drags me through the days. why dost it move so fast, though? It is not like we are in a hurry to go somewhere. but maybe that is part of something bigger that I simply do not understand.
I spent three of my days this vacation with some people from CISV, trying to tie up some knots and lose ends. I managed to lose my voice and complete the hole in my favorite socks that has been sneaking up on me. But I am still standing on that same monopoly square, paying up to someone who felt it righteous to claim that piece of land as theirs.
coming home I was pleased to spend the rest of my weekend with some friends I haven't really seen in a while. Tom, martina, becka, isak, Rasmus, fanny and Ke was here. we did not watch movies for a change. we actually played some games of cards and guessing who you were and ate pasta. my room was yet again covered in mattresses, and I must admit that that is my favorite state of this room. perhaps that would be the reason as to why I always keep littering my floor with clothes and guitars and rugs, trying to fill up the empty space after they've gone. or something other sentimental thing like that.
right now I am preparing to go to Uppsala to SO höst, the meeting of the junior branch in Sweden. Fanny is coming with me, along with ten others from this chapter. I am really looking forward to it, though my voice has not gone back to normal yet. in fact, it is probably worse, seeing as I trained hard on monday and tuesday.
over and out
mixed stuff and what the heck?
I started feeling sick some days ago, but I decided to drive the illness out of my system by training like a maniac. which I did. both in our own training and with the women's team. and it worked out splendid!
so right now I guess I'm preparing to go to Impact this weekend, meeting some sweet people, talking about sweet stuff, and then going straight back home to gather up some old favorites.
anywho, you'll hear more about it when I actually feel like writing this shit down.
oh, and I'm missing out on a great opportunity to play a game of volleyball with the women's team on saturday.
reminders and awesomeness
the movie night was all set up, and I had bought tons of things for us to eat, counting on us to be about ten. we were six, but that's not too far off! It was time to pick up the first people from the bus, and despite myself I was a bit nervous. It was such a long time since I last set up a movie night, and I'd nearly forgotten how to. it all went splendid after all, and now I finally started to clear my floor from the mattresses.
I look at them and I freeze. how long has it really been since the people I love lay sleeping soundly between those covers? it seems like a huge vast wasteland of time that we may never cross again. I remember almost all of our nights together, when we'd disrupt the entire house with our laughs and cries and movies. I miss the smell of sleep laying like a haze over the heap of blankets and people, I miss the feeling of lying between people so close that I could faintly hear their hearts. I always slept best those nights.
but we never really do that anymore, and it sadden me.
are we growing up?
three weeks of memories and change
at night, I can still hear that shower running. I can feel the hard mattress and the thin wierd pillow wrapped around my head. My nostrils fool me that they feel the scent of chocolate and nuts and tea and rain in the sun. I trick myself to hear the laughs, the cries and the soft murmurs of people at night in conversation by the lights in the street. I hear the slamming of doors, and the echoes of footsteps in the stone staircase. I feel the wind under the bridge, hear the clinks of bottles, curse over blisters that I realize a second later I don't have anymore.
and somewhere in the midst of all that, I miss you. I miss you so damn much.
Tales of Thursdays and heavy work
the street was cold, my legs were frozen and the chord to my earphones had gone stale from the chilling wind. It was half past ten in the night, and I was standing outside of Platå, waiting for Frida who had convinced me to go out on a thursday night. I felt, for the first time in my life, like one of those girls who goes out drinking without knowing what they're doing, without telling their parents, but knowing that the night will be special and mysterious. yea right, okay so skipping that crap, Frida came out to meet me and we both went in to the club. She introduced me to Linnea whom I already knew and Madde who would turn out to be a real amazing girl and danser.
drinks were bought and alcohol was drained, as were all the thoughts about the book I have to make a report on. seriously, fuck that book, it's awesome but.. no.
the music was loud, the drinks were good, and the dancefloor was packed with people and full of life. we were in there, right in the middle, drifitng here and there, and in that thriving pulsing crowd there are suddenly hands on my hips and lips on my lips, and whythefuckshouldIcare and he's touching me and he's not looking too bad either. I save him, leave him on the dansefloor becuase nooneshouldbewithme and the four of us girls hit the road with burning cheeks and wobbling legs and hearts full of laughter and those frizzy bubbles you have in soda.
on our way home we get distracted by three young men whom we talk with for a while and find out that they're actually not assholes shameonmeformyprejudices and we hang out with them in their apartment for half an hour. we watch youtube, talk about cool stuff and listen to music. Linnea eats some noodles and we have some salty pretzels, and half past four we head towards Frida's house. taxi and streetlights and Resorb and a movie makes the eyelids drop, and before I know it I'm asleep. I didn't even watch the start of the movie.
we wake up after barely two hour's sleep, eat a little breakfast (Fruit rocks!) and I get to take a clementine with me to school. I stop by at McDonald's and get myself a coffee and toast, and then I ride the bus in the early morning light. it feels amazing to be alive and wake at those kind of hours.
I was slightly hungover, but we had art, and I could actually take some time waking up for real. I ate my clementine after lunch, and it was all I ever wanted; christmas and daycare and sour sweetness.
after school I was going to read the book that I neglected on Thursday, but my eyes dropped and I slept on the red sofa in the back of the school until father came and got me home. and when I came home I read Brokeback Mountain instead and wept.
skipping insanity, going straight to business
I woke up in an extremely cold room, realizing the heat doesn't reach my room in autumn. and Saturday. aka, game time! (I will tell you shortly about my insane thursday later) frost was coating everything outside, giving it a fariyteale-like shimmer as I sat in the dining room with my tea and my toast. Read a bit from Jonathan Livingston Seagull to pass time, and then we were off to Folkunga.
The game was at home, and I felt that we had pretty nice chanses of winning. Sollentuna were late, so we had enough time to get calm and collected and set on our goal, but somehow, somewhere, we didn't perform too well. we lost three sets in a row and that was that. we played both good and bad, but I guess Sollentuna just were better. It was quite a strange game, to cite Frida Ryman's words. We did manage to get some points on them though, so next time we see them, we're going to give them our best! it that aint going to be too bad either.